Please enable JavaScript to access this page. To follow reddit's rules, no more posts here | Fucking Class

To follow reddit's rules, no more posts here

reddit decided to ban u/Postador, who created this sub and moderated it almost alone till recently. It was a strange ban, that didn't follow their own procedures like allowing suspended users to login to see what caused the suspension. He couldn't appeal or follow the paths written in reddit's help because of that. Initial attempts to even discover what had happened were met with human bots repeating standard messages that didn't help at all because they all required him to login and he couldn't. After many different tries an admin decided to break all safety protocols and explain the problem to an account that just said it was a new account u/Postador had created. It was, but the admin didn't ask for any form of proof.The excuse they used was a copyright violation. But more that 2 years ago u/Postador had stopped posting anything that could be a copyright violation and deleted all posts he could. Since then the account made only administrative posts related to the moderation of his subs. Some older posts didn't appear anymore in his user page due to a reddit bug so he couldn't delete them. The last copyright violation was one month before his ban and was about a post done 4 years before, one of the ones he couldn't delete.To us it seems very unlikely this was the real reason of the ban. But we decided to follow reddit instructions. They had said before we have to stop users from posting copyright violations. To do that we have to analyze what is a copyright violation in reddit.Almost any post here is a copyright violation. If it's not OC it is a copyright violation and many OC are copyright violations. If you draw a game character and publishes your OC here, it is a copyright violation. If you take a selfie and in the background there is someone's else artwork, this is a copyright violation. If you take a picture of a product packaging and publishes here it is a copyright violation. If you take a screenshot of your own tweet and publishes here it is a violation of Twitter's copyright of the layout and images (they allow links and embeds not screenshots). Many big subreddits require by their rules that you make a copyright violation to post there, from r/nsfw to r/BlackPeopleTwitter.But reddit want us to make sure there are no copyright violations here. reddit is known to accept any DMCA claim without checking anything. We know at least two cases where the copyright owner, who had a known reddit account, denied asking for removal or authorizing anyone to do so, but reddit removed because apparently someone sent a DMCA complaint and those are not checked. reddit says you can send a counter notice, but for that we would have to have the rights to the material. We would have to make the users give us rights to anything they post, this is what reddit, Facebook, Twitter and all social media companies do. To do that we would have to create a company. But we wouldn't be protected by the safe harbor provision of the DMCA like the social media companies because we are not the service providers here, reddit is. So we would have to make sure the poster have the rights to the material. So in each case the poster would have to identify themselves with official documents, prove they have the rights and all documents would have to stored for legal use if needed. It's a process done by porn producers to guarantee consent and that the performers signed off the rights. In the beginning of many adult videos you can see a notice saying who is the guardian of the documents and where to contact them.So we would have to create a company, hire a lawyer to write the contracts, hire a person to collect and store the documents and a lawyer to analyze the DMCA notices and how to counter-notice, going to the courts when needed. Not only it would cost a lot of money, we doubt that anyone that would go to all this trouble to post here. So we have no option but to block all posts here. This includes comments because there is a common problem here with bots copying comments from old threads, there are even bots written just to catch this.But don't worry, when we find the money to do what is required we will consider allowing new posts again.

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